Monday, June 22, 2009

Idea that needs developing

Just to jot a note in case I want to revisit it. This will mostly be grammatically incorrect and incoherent at times. Just kinda brainstorming.

Idea for a script: A film critic who climbs to the top... starts out very low until he becomes the biggest thing ever. And I'm talking "big" as in it makes no sense for a critic to be that famous. So this critic is notorious for his harsh hitting reviews... especially movies that star a particular actress... let's call her Samantha Furlong. To put it in context Samantha could be like a present day Lindsay Lohan... minus the lesbianism... partying... and crotch shots. But still... in badly reviewed movies.

So this critic gives scathing reviews of most of the films she is in.... nothing personal... just does. I think this guys personality could be lots of fun... cocky but likeable. People in Hollywood are almost afraid of him. Until one day he gets too big for himself. He loses track of the fun in his job and only focuses on everything he hates. Because of this he's rarely invited to the big movie screenings, because studios are in fear of a negative review coming out.

One day, the critic is watching after his 10 year old niece. I'm thinking sarcastic, knows too much for her age... like the little girl in knocked up. He takes her to the park... there he sees Samantha. The two talk yada yada yada why do you hate me... i don't... blah blah... chemistry. Long story short the two fall for each other.

No ending yet... not even a solid story yet. Just ranting for my own future reference. 

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